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Damp? Galoshes? 9NEWS anchors read least favorite words

We all have them. Words that make you squirm. Verbiage that sounds funny. Locution that rubs your ears the wrong way.
l-r Kathy Sabine, Kyle Clark, Adele Arakawa, Mark Koebrich, Kim Christiansen, Drew Soicher

ID=24080937KUSA - We all have them. Words that just make you squirm. Verbiage that sounds funny. Locution that rubs your ears the wrong way.



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See what we're getting at here?

On 9NEWS at 9:00 Tuesday evening, we learned 9NEWS anchor Kyle Clark does not like the word, "galoshes," after Meteorologist Kathy Sabine made mention of her rain boots in a forecast. Kim Christiansen does not like, "damp."

That inspired a tweet and a rather long list of uncomfortable words that Kim and Kyle decided to share at the end of the newscast.

What's the one word that makes you squeamish?

(KUSA-TV © 2015 Multimedia Holdings Corporation)

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