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Student-debt burden: How 32 Colorado cities rank

Six Colorado cities rank among the 10 percent nationwide with the lightest student-debt burdens, while two Colorado communities are among the 20 percent with the heaviest burden.


Six Colorado cities rank among the 10 percent nationwide with the lightest student-debt burdens, while two Colorado communities are among the 20 percent with the heaviest burden.

That's according to a new WalletHub report that analyzed 2,513 U.S. cities to determine which Americans are most overleveraged on their college-related debts.

To compile the report, the Washington, D.C.-based financial analysis firm compared the average student debt amount carried by residents of 2,513 cities to the median income of adults ages 25 to 44 in those cities.

It then assigned each city to percentiles ranging from one to 99, with one meaning the lightest debt burden and 99 the heaviest.

Colorado's top-performing city in the report is Monument, where residents ages 25 to 44 have a median income of $91,042 but average student debt is just $25,915. Monument is in the 4th percentile nationwide.

Read the full report in the Denver Business Journal: http://bit.ly/1QYGHhe.

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