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Former Georgia Gov. Lester Maddox, a symbol of Old South segregation, dead at 87

ATLANTA (AP) - Lester Maddox, the restaurateur whose segregationist defiance propelled him into the governorship in a fluke election in the 1960s, died Wednesday. He was 87.

A high school dropout born in a working-class section of Atlanta, Maddox gained national notoriety for chasing away blacks from his Pickrick fried chicken restaurant in Atlanta in July 1964, the day after the Civil Rights Act was signed into law. He closed and then sold the Pickrick rather than serve blacks.

But fears of racial strife during his 1967-71 governorship proved unfounded when Maddox pursued a policy of relative moderation on race. He had been chosen as governor by the Legislature after no candidate received a majority of the votes cast in the 1966 election.

"Gov. Maddox had the unique ability to connect with everyday Georgians regardless of their background or station in life," Gov. Sonny Perdue said in a statement. He praised Maddox as "a dedicated public servant" who "loved this state and her people."

Maddox's term began with an inaugural vow that "there will be no place in Georgia during the next four years for those who advocate extremism or violence."

He interested himself in prison reform and teacher pay, and appointed black musician Graham Jackson to the state Board of Corrections -- a high post for a black man at the time.

But in 1968, Maddox refused to close the Capitol for the funeral of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., which drew thousands of mourners to Atlanta's streets, and expressed anger that state flags were being flown at half staff.

Barred from succeeding himself at the end of his four-year term, Maddox won the state's second-highest office, and from the position as lieutenant governor battled the man who succeeded him as governor, President-to-be Jimmy Carter.

An irrepressible, flamboyant man, Maddox often seemed more caricature than flesh. His slick pate and thick glasses were fodder for cartoonists. He was known for quaint sayings and outrageous gestures like riding a bicycle backward.

"How you, chief?" was one customary greeting. Another: "It's great to be alive. A lot of folks aren't, you know."

He won the hearts of many by opening the doors of his office and the governor's mansion to what he called the "little people." Twice a month he held a kind of people's court to hear the problems of the rank-and-file and offer advice and help.

At his final open house at the executive mansion, thousands turned out to bid Maddox farewell.

Maddox was born Sept. 30, 1915, in Atlanta. He was a school dropout who later took a correspondence course and opened the Pickrick. It was through the Pickrick that Maddox became nationally known for his outspoken opposition to integration.

In one incident, customers armed themselves with pick handles to bar blacks. Pick handles became his trademark, and later he sold them as souvenirs.

Maddox claimed he had nothing against blacks, just forced integration.

"As well as a constitutional human right to associate with whomever you please, there should be a corresponding right to disassociate if you please," he once said.

Maddox ran twice for mayor of Atlanta and once for lieutenant governor before capturing the state's highest office through a quirk in state law.

He won the Democratic nomination for governor in 1966 but trailed Republican Howard H. "Bo" Callaway in the general election. Write-in votes for other candidates prevented Callaway from receiving a majority, though, and the question was thrown to the Democrat-dominated Legislature, which picked Maddox.

"I think history will record him as a very progressive governor who gave his all to see that Georgia moved forward in an equitable and fair manner," said former Georgia House Speaker Tom Murphy.

As his term drew to a close, Maddox challenged a constitutional provision barring governors from succeeding themselves. He failed, but managed to be elected lieutenant governor.

It was a classic mismatch: the liberal, polished Carter as governor and conservative, rough-hewn Maddox in the No. 2 spot. Said Maddox: "It's all right for a fellow to grow peanuts ... but people ought not to think like them. I don't know whether the man is sick, or just a plain fool."

In 1974, Maddox once again was eligible to run for governor. He lost.

The ex-governor flirted with national politics in 1976 when his old nemesis Carter ran successfully for president. As the presidential nominee of the American Independent Party, Maddox got only a handful of votes.

Later, he embarked on a short-lived nightclub comedy career with a black man he pardoned from jail while he was governor. They billed themselves as "The Governor and the Dishwasher."

Maddox's wife, the former Virginia Cox, died in 1997. They had been married for more than 60 years and had two daughters and two sons.

After she died, Maddox resolved to work to keep other marriages together, reasoning that if a few thousand dollars' worth of advertising could save one family, "then it's worth it."

"DEAR MOMS DADS. Help Save Lives, Families and U.S.A. STAY MARRIED," said an ad that ran in 1998 in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.


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