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What you eat may be linked to your risk for developing depression, study says

Can the food you eat potentially decrease your risk for depression? 9NEWS medical expert Dr. Comilla Sasson takes a deeper look.
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Fresh fruit is offered for sale at a Target store on December 13, 2017 in Chicago, Illinois.

KUSA — More than 16 million adults in the U.S. have experienced a bout with major depression in the last year, according to the National Institutes of Health,

Women have rates of depression almost twice as high as men. Can the food you eat potentially decrease your risk for depression?

Researchers looked at about 40 studies to see if there was a link between the type of diet people had reported they were eating, and their risk for developing depressive-type symptoms.

Overall, the Mediterranean diet decreased the risk for developing depression by about 33 percent. People who ate a Pro-Inflammatory Diet with foods high in fat or sugar, soda, margarine, fried foods, processed meats had a higher risk for developing depression.

The link between inflammation and depression

We are still trying to figure this out. There is a line of communication between the gut and the brain called the gut-brain axis. What we eat, causes the bacteria in our gut to work overtime to break down food. When we make bad food choices, or foods which can cause inflammation, this releases hormones and other immune system responses to the brain.

These high levels of inflammatory markers are also increased in certain types of diseases like depression, anxiety, and can even be early markers for heart disease. So, it may not only be the number of calories, sugar and fat, but also what kind of a response the food may trigger from your gut.

What is the Mediterranean diet?

A diet rich in nuts (like almonds, walnuts), fruits (like blueberries, oranges), tomatoes, fatty fish (like salmon), olive oil, and green leafy vegetables (like spinach, kale) is best. These anti-inflammatory foods can help lower your overall levels of inflammation in the body. We know that this inflammation is what can lead to buildup of cholesterol plaques in the heart and brain, which can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and even certain types of cancers.

Food choices to make their heart and brain healthier:

• Avoid the processed foods and meats

• Stick to fruits and vegetables

• Pick fish over red meat if possible

• Limit your soda intake

• Choose olive oil over margarine

Follow 9NEWS Medical Expert Dr. Comilla Sasson on Facebook and Twitter. Have a medical question or health topic idea? Email Dr. Comilla at c.sasson@9news.com

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