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Workout Wednesday: Importance of inversion

Getting your head below your heart can calm your mind.
Credit: KUSA

Did you know that inversions can help your mood, your circulation, and even your body's ability to detox?

TaRhonda and I go through some very basic inversions to work your way upside-down.

Legs Up the Wall - this exercise is perfect after sitting a long time or before you get on a flight. Hold for two minutes and breathe deeply.

Head Below Heart in a Chair - perfect for when you are in a high-stressed state at work. Slowly drop your head between your knees and just breathe.

And lastly, getting in a handstand position by using a bench or sturdy chair. Find a plank position with your feet elevated, then lift your hips up high to get your head below your heart.

Try to hold for 30 seconds at a time as you work your way up in shoulder and wrist strength.

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