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What's going on with the IKEA sign?

If you think something is amiss with the IKEA sign that dominates the Centennial skyline, then you’re not wrong. 

<p>A crane lifts off part of the IKEA sign. </p>

If you think something is amiss with Centennial's IKEA sign, you're not wrong.

IKEA says it is performing some “maintenance” and “updates” to the large IKEA sign you can see from Interstate 25. The work is supposed to last through the first three weeks of May.

“The focus of this work is to replace the fabric sign panels on each of the three sides (one per week) and to retrofit the sign with L.E.D. lights as a more sustainable option,” a statement from IKEA reads.

The company said this is totally unrelated to the wind damage sustained to the sign back in February, which prompted authorities to close I-25 for two hours during rush hour because of concerns one of the six-by-10 foot panels could blow into traffic.

The fire department came and fixed the panels during that incident.

The sign raised a lot of eyebrows when the store was first being built. The city of Centennial limits signs to 32-feet-tall, but to attract the project, made an exception.

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