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Dobby makes public debut at Denver Zoo

Despite  a health scare, Dobby, the newest giraffe at the Denver Zoo made his public debut on Sunday.

Despite a health scare Dobby, the newest giraffe at the Denver Zoo, made his public debut on Sunday.

Dobby came into the world around 3 a.m. Tuesday as a bit of a surprise. The zoo says his mother, Kipele, was on birth control and they didn't know she was pregnant until recently.

Several days later the zoo revealed that Dobby was having difficulty nursing and wasn't getting enough infection-fighting proteins from his mom.

"Mom was getting a little anxious inside," Amanda Faliano with the Denver Zoo said."So we went ahead and let him out ... after the vets approved.

Dobby is now measuring at 5-feet-one inch tall and doing better after he received a plasma transfusion to help build his immune system.

"He's gaining weight, he's up about 10 pounds from his birth," Faliano said.

RELATED: Dobby receives plasma transfusion

Visitors gathered on Sunday to see him in the main giraffe area. He will come out depending on the weather and his stress levels.

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