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Wait time for Najibullah Zazi's sentencing 'unprecedented'

Convicted terrorist Najibullah Zazi -- who pleaded guilty in 2010 to charges related to a plot to set off bombs in the New York City subway system -- has yet to be sentenced since taking a plea deal with authorities in 2010.

KUSA -- Convicted terrorist Najibullah Zazi -- who pleaded guilty in 2010 to charges related to a plot to set off bombs in the New York City subway system -- has yet to be sentenced since taking a plea deal with authorities in 2010.

The extended wait for sentencing was called "unprecedented" by a federal law enforcement official, even for someone who is cooperating with authorities.

Zazi, who authorities say planned part the plot from his Aurora apartment with orders from Al Qaeda, has also had a cooperation agreement with federal investigators since 2010, as other suspects have faced trial in the plot, including Abid Naseer, who Zazi testified against earlier this year.

Naseer was sentenced to 40 years in prison on Tuesday for his involvement in a terror scheme that included the subway bombing plot.

However, Zazi's sentencing has continued to be delayed for years.

The admitted terrorist's sentencing is currently scheduled for April 29, 2016, in a federal district court in New York.

(© 2015 KUSA)

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