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Morrison traffic camera catches 10,000+ speeders in 2 weeks

The town that is home to Red Rocks has long had a reputation for being a speed trap.

MORRISON, Colo. — Colorado's most famous speed trap is living up to its reputation.

Two weeks into its new speed camera program, the town of Morrison has issued 10,287 tickets.

That's according the Chief of Police, Bill Vinelli, who said he was surprised by the number of speeding citations.

"We've had to up our data plan a couple of different times to be able to continue using the piece of equipment that we paid for," he said.

Morrison has come under scrutiny in past years for using tickets as a way to subsidize the town's budget. A consulting firm found in 2021 that nearly half of the town's budget that year came from fines.

"Before I got here, Morrison had the reputation of being a speed trap," Vinelli said. "I wasn't here then, I can't comment to that. What I can comment to is me being here as the chief of police for the last two years, I've not seen a decrease. If you know Morrison's a speed trap, then why are you speeding through Morrison?"

The automated speed cameras are supposed to catch anyone going 10 miles an hour over the 25 mph speed limit.

The new camera, which went live on May 5, is set up at Bear Creek and Mt. Vernon avenues. It is designed to catch anyone going 10 over the speed limit of 25. 

Anyone who is caught by the camera is mailed a $40 citation. Vinelli said that is less than a traditional ticket would cost. 

Vinelli said the new camera is not a money grab and the goal is to change people's behavior and keep everyone safe. 

"Morrison's a great place the visit, Morrison's a great place to live," he said. "We just want to make sure that people are safe. Everybody that comes to visit here from around the world - we want to make sure that they have a good experience and they're safe."



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