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Former CD-8 candidate leaves Libertarian party for Unity Party

Dan Ward, sound guy for the band 'Driven by Turmoil,' says he left the Libertarian party because he disagrees with its messaging and 'toxic' new leadership.

DENVER — The most successful Libertarian candidate of 2022 said he's changing parties before he runs Colorado's Congressional District 8 again.

Dan Ward is the sound guy for death metal band 'Driven by Turmoil.' He told 9NEWS today he's leaving the Libertarian party, and that he'll run again in the same House district as a Unity party candidate.

“I disagree agree with their messaging," Ward said in a statement. "A couple of us Libertarians spoke out on the welcoming nature of the LP towards white supremacy. The hateful nature towards the LGBTQ+ community. The day I left the party was the day that the national chair announced that she was starting a make-up line for CIS women only."

He said he also disagrees with the party's policy of letting the poor, elderly, and the nation's most vulnerable populations "fall to the wayside." 

Ward disagrees again with the party's stance on abolishing public schools.

"Every nation that is leading us in the world economy has a system in place to teach the next generation.  Privatized schooling leaves many children behind and widens the gap between classes.  Not all parents have the ability, desire, time, or want to teach their children.  I believe all children have a right towards an education," he said.

Ward said his volunteer campaign manager, Patty McMahon, was censured by the party. He also said internal fighting and the "toxic nature of the new leadership" were reasons he left.

Ward said the Unity party is more welcoming and accepting.

Elijah Herson of the United National Committee of the Unity Party of America said he was aware of Ward's interest in the party's nomination.

Ward's also the candidate Colorado Republicans blame for Republican state Senator Barbara Kirkmeyer's CD-8 loss last year. 

Kirkmeyer lost by one point to Democrat Yadira Caraveo. Ward got 3.9% of the vote, which is double the average of the other Libertarian House candidates in Colorado.

Colorado Republicans were so concerned that a Libertarian candidate caused them to lose the race that they struck a deal with the small Libertarian party, giving them the power to approve GOP candidates, so they'd stay out of races.

"It’s almost as if one could predict that a weird nonsense bad-faith concession by the GOP that could blow up in their face was a weird nonsense bad-faith concession by the GOP that blew up in their face," Colorado Democratic party Chair Shad Murib said in a series of tweets reacting to Ward's decision to leave the state Libertarians. "No one should mistake the GOP’s “deal” as strategy. It was always and simply self-sabotage, and this won’t be the first domino to fall."

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